Painterly May 10, 2022
Master #1898Bennett Bean
$6,000 -
Master #1492Bennett Bean
$9,000 -
Triple On BaseBennett Bean
Sold $7,000 -
Master #2012Bennett Bean
$3,000 -
VesselBennett Bean
Sold $800 -
VesselBennett Bean
Sold $600 -
VesselBennett Bean
Sold $600 -
VesselBennett Bean
Sold $400 -
VasePeter Beard
$940 -
VasePeter Beard
Sold $770 -
VesselPeter Beard
Sold $1,290 -
VesselPeter Beard
Sold $1,645 -
Four Sided VesselPeter Beard
Sold $1,180 -
In-turned Rim VesselPeter Beard
$1,290 -
VesselPeter Beard
Sold $1,230 -
Oval Striped VesselPeter Beard
Sold $995 -
Dinner PlateJenn Cole
Sold $72 -
Dinner PlateJenn Cole
Sold $72 -
Lidded JarJenn Cole
Sold $285 -
Tall MugJenn Cole
Sold $56 -
Tall MugJenn Cole
Sold $56 -
Soup BowlJenn Cole
Sold $54 -
Soup BowlJenn Cole
Sold $54 -
Bud VaseJenn Cole
Sold $40 -
Bud VaseJenn Cole
Sold $40 -
Lunch PlateJenn Cole
Sold $54 -
Lunch PlateJenn Cole
Sold $54 -
PitcherJenn Cole
Sold $165 -
Cat CupMichael Corney
Sold $165 -
Cat CupMichael Corney
Sold $165 -
Cat CupMichael Corney
Sold $165 -
House BankMichael Corney
Sold $145 -
Many Eyes VaseMichael Corney
Sold $125 -
MugMichael Corney
Sold $135 -
MugMichael Corney
Sold $135 -
Large TumblerMichael Corney
Sold $125 -
Large TumblerMichael Corney
Sold $125 -
Large TumblerMichael Corney
Sold $125 -
Drinking VesselMichael Corney
Sold $95 -
Drinking VesselMichael Corney
$95 -
Shot GlassMichael Corney
Sold $65 -
Shot GlassMichael Corney
Sold $65 -
Shot GlassMichael Corney
Sold $65 -
Shot GlassMichael Corney
Sold $65 -
Shot GlassMichael Corney
Sold $65 -
Shot GlassMichael Corney
Sold $65 -
PlateMichael Corney
Sold $95 -
Many Eyes VaseMichael Corney
Sold $125 -
PlatterBernadette Curran
Sold $150 -
PlateBernadette Curran
Sold $120 -
BowlBernadette Curran
Sold $60 -
BowlBernadette Curran
Sold $60 -
MugBernadette Curran
Sold $90 -
MugBernadette Curran
Sold $90 -
MugBernadette Curran
Sold $90 -
MugBernadette Curran
Sold $90 -
Latte CupCathi Jefferson
Sold $85 -
Latte CupCathi Jefferson
Sold $85 -
Persian JarCathi Jefferson
Sold $96 -
Persian JarCathi Jefferson
Sold $96 -
5 Sided BoxCathi Jefferson
Sold $110 -
Rectangle BoxCathi Jefferson
Sold $95 -
Espresso CupCathi Jefferson
Sold $48 -
Espresso CupCathi Jefferson
Sold $48 -
Poppy Tube VaseJosie Jurczenia
Sold $165 -
Poppy Tube VaseJosie Jurczenia
Sold $165 -
Flower Bowl/VaseJosie Jurczenia
Sold $185 -
Flower Bowl/VaseJosie Jurczenia
Sold $185 -
MugJosie Jurczenia
Sold $60 -
MugJosie Jurczenia
Sold $60 -
MugJosie Jurczenia
Sold $60 -
MugJosie Jurczenia
Sold $60 -
Classic Column VaseJosie Jurczenia
Sold $165 -
Artimesia Head VaseJosie Jurczenia
Sold $225 -
Tiny Urn with BranchesJosie Jurczenia
Sold $125 -
Tiny Urn with BranchesJosie Jurczenia
Sold $125 -
Vessel VirginsJosie Jurczenia
Sold $125 -
Vessel Virgins Josie Jurczenia
Sold $125 -
Vessel VirginsJosie Jurczenia
Sold $125 -
Vessel VirginsJosie Jurczenia
Sold $125 -
Thank You CupBeth Lo
Sold $195 -
Thank You CupBeth Lo
Sold $195 -
Good Children CupBeth Lo
Sold $175 -
Good Boy CupBeth Lo
Sold $175 -
Covered JarGeorge McCauley
Sold $350 -
Covered JarGeorge McCauley
Sold $350 -
PlatterGeorge McCauley
Sold $200 -
PlatterGeorge McCauley
Sold $250 -
BowlGeorge McCauley
Sold $90 -
BowlGeorge McCauley
Sold $90 -
BowlGeorge McCauley
Sold $90 -
BowlGeorge McCauley
Sold $90 -
PlatterGeorge McCauley
Sold $200 -
PlateGeorge McCauley
Sold $150 -
PlateGeorge McCauley
Sold $150 -
VaseGeorge McCauley
Sold $100 -
GuinomiGeorge McCauley
Sold $65 -
GuinomiGeorge McCauley
Sold $65 -
GuinomiGeorge McCauley
Sold $65 -
GuinomiGeorge McCauley
Sold $65 -
Column VaseAlison Reintjes
Sold $900 -
Column VaseAlison Reintjes
Sold $700 -
Column VaseAlison Reintjes
Sold $700 -
Column VaseAlison Reintjes
Sold $450 -
PentagonAlison Reintjes
Sold $65 -
PentagonAlison Reintjes
Sold $65 -
Antiprism HexagonAlison Reintjes
Sold $90 -
Antiprism HexagonAlison Reintjes
Sold $90